Meet Daniel
Daniel J. Katz
President of the board of directors
Daniel Katz was born in Milwaukee, WI. In 1970, about to enter 8th grade, as zionists should, he moved to Israel, for four and a half years, with his parents and his 2 siblings. Daniel returned to the States in 1975, to attend Washington University in St. Louis where he received his undergraduate degree in Business and then his Law Degree. In 1980, he returned to Milwaukee where he worked for his father for a few years until he started his own company, Katz Properties, Inc., which he still owns and manages. Daniel's greatest passions in his life are his wife, 6 kids, and where he is the National President for the Friends of Israel Scouts as well as where he is the President of Hillel Day School of Boca Raton. Daniel is a very proud Jew and a very proud Zionist! In the 1990's, Daniel was the National Chair of New Leadership for the State of Israel Bonds.He is presently a Vice President of the Zionist Organization of America, on the executive board of the Weinbaum Yeshiva High School and on the boards of Yeshivat Chovevai Torah and Yad Vashem. Daniel was also the previous president of the Boca Raton Synagogue.