Elad Sanderovich
Board member
CEO of the Hebrew Scouts Movement in Israel
Elad Sanderovich is the Chief Executive Officer of The Hebrew Scouts movement in Israel. He has a Bachelors degree in Education and Economics from the Haifa University.
Throughout his life, Elad has been engaged in informal education management and youth leadership through the Tzofim. Elad established a project for at-risk youth in the Tzofim Haifa region, creating a new model for informal education in disadvantaged neighborhoods. After this venture, he was the Director of the Tzofim Haifa region, encompassing over 4,000 active participants. He was the Director of the Education Department of the Tzofim movement, leading a team to strategically re-envision the Tzofim curriculum, which was implemented in over 200 Tzofim chapters around Israel. He served as a Jewish Agency Central Shaliach, and served as the Executive Director of the Friends of Israel Scouts - Tzofim in North America, encompassing programs for over 5,000 children and teens each year. Befor leading the Tzofim movment, Elad was the CEO of Tzofim Tzabar Olami - the global Israeli Scouts Youth Movement and the main program to support Lone Soldiers in the IDF
Elad served in the IDF as an Officer in the artillery forces and still serves as captain in reserves, as an Operation Officer.